Thursday, April 29, 2010

The biggest piece of the fatloss puzzle!

What is it? FOOD FOOD FOOD...... You eat like crap, you won't lose weight. Do you think you can just exercise those calories off?

Please put your Body-bug down and listen.


You can workout everyday for 2 hours and if you're still eating processed food, starchy carbs, sugar, and drinking alcohol -Guess what? You're not going to reach your goals -SORRY.


Do you have to give up everything you enjoy --NO. It's portion control and eating clean 90% of the time.

There are other factors to consider:

How much weight do you have to lose?
What timeframe?
What are your goals?

Well, first thing what are your goals? If it’s fat loss then you need to find time to work out CORRECTLY and eat a good clean diet, NOT DEPRIVATION! It does take some effort. Before anything you have to make sure you’re eating correctly. You need to watch your diet when you’re unable to be as active. As you get older, your metabolism slows down, and this means you’ll put (fat) weight on more quickly and easily if you’re not focused. Try this tip…

My number one tip is keeping a Food Journal –sorry but it works, especially in the beginning of a fitness plan. Write down everything you eat and drink for a week, and we’ll analyze. Sometimes people are surprised when it’s written down and they see just how much they take in. I’ve seen it all. I had one client who claimed to be eating perfectly when we reviewed her journal I saw 4 bananas in one day ---yes it’s fruit, but a bit much for one day.

Remember the keys to getting lean.
1. Small, frequent meals work. You should consume 5-6 meals per day.

2. Cutting carbs works. For fat loss, starchy carbs in the AM so you can burn off.

3. Vegetables work. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner should be accompanied by a serving of vegetables.

4. Adequate protein works.

5. Fish oil works.

6. Water and green tea works. Drink enough water so your urine is always clear, and don't forget to have 8-12 ounces of green tea each day.

7. Training with a high intensity works. Keep your rest periods short and the intensity high.

It's not all about working out --it's the combination of Food, Exercise, Rest and enjoying your life!

Keep Training!

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