Sunday, April 4, 2010

MarkOne Fitness Outdoor Bootcamp Starts this week!

It's Easter weekend, great weather Spring is in the air!

Outdoor Bootcamp starts session 1 this week.
April 7  ----WED & FRI  9:15 - 10:00

Another time has been added starting April 28  7:00am - 7:45am  WED & FRI

Spring Schedule
Session 1 Wed & Fri 9:15 -10:00am (FULL CLASS - 1 spot open)
April 7, 9, 14, 16, 28, 30, May 5, 7, 12, 14 ( week of 19th is school vacation NO Bootcamp)

Session 2 Wed & Fri 9:15 -10:00am
May 19, 21, 26, 28, June 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18

Spring / Summer Sessions: (5 WEEKS) 7:00 -7:45am Wed & Fri Starting April 28
Session 1 April 28, 30, May 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28

Session 2 June 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30, July 2
MarkOne Fitness Outdoor Bootcamp

Bootcamp for fat loss doesn’t have to kill you or beat you up so you don’t want to come back. As a trainer I find the biggest obstacle is satisfying everyone. As you know, not everyone is at the same fitness level or have similar injury histories or likes and dislikes. I take that back, (everyone hates BURPEES!). My point is, some folks will claim it’s too difficult and hardcore folks may think it’s a piece of cake. That’s where exercise progressions come into play. Many exercises have several levels. If you’re participating in a Bootcamp your trainer should give you these options and you should take advantage of this……

Another issue I find is people generally push themselves harder in a group setting. Yes competitive folks hate to feel inferior and will push themselves to the edge and others will stop at the first sign of sweat on their foreheads. This can be good or bad. It’s great when clients push themselves out of their comfort zones and try to keep up and increase their intensity. That’s the idea for making positive changes to your body. On the other side of this, some beginners or folks not used to this pace try to keep up with Suzie Six-pack and eventually get injured. The key here –“Listen to your body first and your Instructor second.” Be SMART!

Bootcamps should include warm-ups and a cool-down. The circuit part of "boot camp" is designed to disrupt your metabolism and elevate your EPOC (Elevated Post-Oxygen Consumption -which is the most important aspect to losing weight and fat). Circuits may range from 20 seconds of work to 1 minute, with rests from 10 seconds to 1 minute between stations.

Not only will you lose weight and get in great shape. You should start to move more efficiently, feel better, strengthen your core so your back stops hurting and be able to do everyday activities with ease.

Again Bootcamps can be part of a good fitness plan. A good eating plan and a smart strength training plan MUST be part of the entire program. THAT’S HOW YOU CHANGE YOUR BODY!


How do I sign-up?
Step 1: Send confirmation email to

Step 2: A registration and release form will be forwarded to you –print out and bring to 1st class

Note: All payments are due before 1st camp class begins. To ensure your spot is secure we recommend mailing your payment to address below.

MarkOne Fitness Boot Camp is a recurring five week group fitness program of exercise, nutritional consulting and fun. You will be inspired and led by your certified personal trainer through your daily training and nutritional education. This is NOT a military style "boot camp" in any form. We offer a supervised group based fitness boot camp that focuses on substantially increasing your fitness level and assisting you in achieving your desired fitness goals.

Will I be able to participate if I'm not in good shape?
Absolutely. All fitness levels are welcome to participate. Your safety is paramount, so you'll never be asked to perform more than you're capable of doing. We have a wide range of fitness levels that attend, from very athletic to sedentary and everyone in between. You'll never feel out of place because camp is uniquely structured so that all participants work at their own pace. But they're all expected to work hard!

Are there any pre-requisites?
All of our exercises are scalable to most fitness levels. With that said, you should be able to jog for 30-60 second periods. Slow jogging is fine. We perform very short runs and in order for you to participate with the entire group, a minimum of slow jogging is necessary.

What should I bring to Bootcamp? Most important thing is water, you have to stay hydrated. We’re outside, so gloves (you will have hands on grass) and maybe a hat. I do provide mats, (and I do clean them) but if you’re a germ-a-phob like me you may want to bring your own. Oh yea, bring a great attitude and you’ll reward yourself with great results! We'll provide all additional equipment, motivation, and accountability you'll need. Oh, and make sure NOT to come on an empty stomach. We don't want you to get light headed during our fun and energizing workouts!

Will other times be available in the future? That depends. We would love to accommodate everyone. If you have suggestions or have a group of people that are interested in other days or times let us know we'll work to make that happen.

Boot camp workouts are efficient because you work your entire body-- heart and muscles--by going from one exercise to another with no rest. The workouts involve calisthenics like pushups, jumping jacks, Valslides and exercise tubing and other body weight exercises...the difference lies in the intensity. In boot camp, your challenge is to take your body to its limit. You work, you sweat and, best of all, you burn calories like crazy.

Boot camp workouts are:

• A great way to burn lots of calories.

• Efficient - you work your whole body in a short period of time.

• Fun - each exercise is different so you don't get bored.

• Easy to fit in to a busy schedule - You can do it anywhere with little equipment.

• As challenging as you want them to be.

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