Sunday, August 9, 2009

Train the Trainer Day!

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday......
It's train the trainer day at MarkOne Fitness.

Yes you can train almost anywhere -Outside you can create some great workouts.
Today LeeAnne has a chance to put together her favorites and put me through hell............
And she said she really enjoyed herself (why is she smiling at the end?).

45s work 15s rest -3 times
1) box jumps
2) farmers walk uphill
3) Squat & Row
4) Suicide runs
5) plank push ups
6) Ropes
7) High Step-ups
8) Burpee with Lateral Hop
9) KB Swings with exchange
10) Hill Runs

Thanks LeeAnne for a great time!!


  1. I thought you were dogging it on those cone sprints!!!!

  2. hey, that's as fast as us old folks can move:)

  3. hah, why didn't I watch this sooner?! Nice job LeeAnne--paybacks are a beayotch, aren't they Mark?? Nice job! Oh, I am chomping at the bit for one of those ropes..budgetary constraints are holding me back for now though!

  4. don't tell LeeAnne, but she's due for an outdoor workout----she'll kill it.........
