Sunday, August 16, 2009

TIME -Give me a break!!!

Time Magazine really pissed me off. I’m not sure if they’re trying to ruffle feathers or are just being irresponsible. In a recent Time magazine article it claims that exercise does not help with weight loss, because it makes you hungry…..NO SH*T. Does it really? You mean if you exert energy for close to an hour, it might make you crave food later. Thanks for clearing that up Time magazine. Now I can get back to my bag of chips and watch TV… (I think More to Love is on).

Yes in some cases exercise will make you hungrier. For me, the last thing I'm thinking about after an intense workout is food. If you are hungry, what's your food choice? Exercise doesn’t lead you to Dunkin Donuts after your workout. Remember, food is 80-90% of the equation when looking to lose weight. What am I always saying? “You can’t out train a poor diet!!!”.

Here’s the bottom line- EVEN IF YOU’RE WORKING OUT HARD. If you want to stay the same, or in some cases bulk up or gain weight then make sure you eat an abundance of starchy carbs and sugar. But if your goal is to lean out, lose bodyfat then replace those carbs with high fiber fruits and vegetables. For weight loss the staple of your food plan is lean protein, fruits, veggies and good fats. With proper portion control and correct choices comes less calories and more GOOD food!

Remember the role of the hormone insulin and how carbs relate to the overall picture. This is one of our biggest concerns with weight loss. This storage hormone is responsible for releasing large amounts when consuming refined starches and sugars. No matter how hard you exercise everyday, if you are releasing insulin throughout the day with a high carb diet, you will be fighting an uphill battle in pursuing weight loss. On the other hand, lean proteins, healthy fats, and high-fiber fruits and veggies do not significantly impact your insulin levels thus allowing you to burn fat and build muscle in conjunction with the right exercise plan.

Don’t blame exercise for your poor results. Being hungrier from exercise is not the culprit- choosing the wrong type of food after exercise is!

The second major issue I have with this article is what type of exercise are we talking about? Most of these studies are using slow steady state aerobics. Thus the problem, steady state cardio, stuff like distance running and leisurely biking are not good methods for fat loss. So this article is way off base and should not be using aerobics as its example of exercise, it only reinforces why this type of exercise has a minimal effect on weight loss. Why didn’t they use Interval Training and Resistance Training as markers for exercise? Not sure. Here’s the real study, it’s a fact, high-intensity interval training burns 9x more fat than ordinary exercise (aerobic training) and actually builds lean muscle and elevates metabolism for up to 24-48 post-workout.

Slow Cardio has its place. If you’re a beginner, de-conditioned or injured use this type of cardio. If you’re serious about weight loss and want to get in great shape then Resistance Training and Intervals are the way to go.

So come on, people don’t need another excuse for not exercising. Reading these types of articles makes me cringe and I wonder why people are so confused about weight loss……………

So if you’re reading Time Magazine on the treadmill, DON’T. Put the reading material down and pick up the pace.

Keep Training!

1 comment:

  1. Nice rebuttal there Mark. What a load of BS that whole thing was--in my opinion, that article just gave the unhappy, unfit crowd out there reason to revel further in their misery. They did far more damage with that article to the group of people that need exercise the most, far more than they did damage to those of us that try to instill it.
