Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bootcamp Demo

Bootcamp for fat loss doesn’t have to kill you or beat you up so you don’t want to come back. As a trainer I find the biggest obstacle is satisfying everyone. As you know, not everyone is at the same fitness level or have similar injury histories or likes and dislikes. I take that back, (everyone hates BURPEES!)

My point is, some folks will claim it’s too difficult and hardcore folks may think it’s a piece of cake. That’s where exercise progressions come into play. Many exercises have several levels. If you’re participating in a Bootcamp your trainer should give you these options and you should take advantage of this……

Another issue I find is people generally push themselves harder in a group setting. Yes competitive folks hate to feel inferior and will push themselves to the edge and others will stop at the first sign of sweat on their foreheads. This can be good or bad. It’s great when clients push themselves out of their comfort zones and try to keep up and increase their intensity. That’s the idea for making positive changes to your body. On the other side of this, some beginners or folks not used to this pace try to keep up with Suzie Six-pack and eventually get injured. The key here –“Listen to your body first and your Instructor second”, BE SMART!

Bootcamps should include warm-ups and a cool-down. The circuit part of "boot camp" is designed to disrupt your metabolism and elevate your EPOC (Elevated Post-Oxygen Consumption -which is the most important aspect to losing weight and fat). Circuits may range from 20 seconds of work to 1 minute, with rests from 10 seconds to 1 minute between stations.

Not only will you lose weight and get in great shape. You should start to move more efficiently, feel better, strengthen your core so your back stops hurting and be able to do everyday activities with ease.

Again Bootcamps can be part of a good fitness plan. A good eating plan and a smart strength training plan MUST be part of the entire program. THAT’S HOW YOU CHANGE YOUR BODY!

Here’s an example of a Bootcamp style workout. Thanks Mary for a great workout demo.

You’re a tough cookie!

Start with warm-up.
Movement prep –BW Squats, Lunge, Leg-kicks


1) MB Reach Lunge with chop.
2) Smash NON-BOUNCE Ball
3) Valslide knee tucks
4) BW Step and reverse Lunge
5) DB Bent-over Row
6) DB Squat & Press
7) Plank cone-touch
8) KB Swing
9) Lateral Shuffle with band & cone touch

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