Saturday, January 8, 2011

Guest Spot on Portion Control by LeeAnne Hebert

You're working hard, you're sleeping well and you're drinking your water. And the most important factor, you're eating clean food. Yet, your weight doesn't budge. Frustrating, yes.

Could be a number of things happening. One issue I see over and over is incorrect portions. If you can honestly say you're eating the right foods then let's look at portions. Oatmeal is a superfood, great carb -yet if you have too much, your weight loss will stall.

Do you know your portion sizes? If you're not sure, measure everything until you know exactly what your taking in. Is it a pain? Yes at first, but in time you'll be able to eyeball everything. If you're serious about weight loss and changing your body take the time, you're worth it! Don't let an easy thing like measuring derail your efforts.

Take a look at these 2 videos to help!     (Part 2 ) Next week your workouts..........

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