Friday, December 25, 2009

$30 Treadmill Workout --Thanks Val!

$30 Treadmill Workout

This is a very simple and effective 30 min cardio / full body workout that can be done in about 8 square feet with one piece of equipment - the Valslide - this little gadget can reshape your whole body and I highly recomment it - If you don't already have a pair you can purchase at the following link.

Take a few minutes to warm up, and then get ready to SWEAT:

Squats - 20 reps

Skater Jumps - 20 reps

Valslide Reverse Lunge - 20 reps (each leg)

Valslide Side Lunge - 20 reps (each leg)

Valslide Tricep Push-Up - 10 reps

Valslide Mountain Climber - 20 reps

Valslide Belly Robbers - 20 reps

Valslide Sliding Crunch - 20 reps

Do this circuit 3-4 times, with 1-2 minutes rest in between each circuit

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